Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Prime Mover

At least a part of the genesis of this blog is a desire to help promote  my chum's theater, and noble though this might be, I suppose a blog cannot live on promotion alone; one is presumed to provide content, and so herein  will be a miscellany of my whims, edited for public consumption .  Rather then enumerate my positions and pretensions, I will let you, dear reader, extrapolate from my rhapsodies what you will. While my tone may at times be pompous or preening, I assure you this is simply the mode of expression I favor and not a condescension, though any perceived slights or ill will resulting from my tone will not be met with succor and apologies, but with condescension. 

That being said, I humbly thank you for taking a look at this page, even if it is just a quick glance.   I will put up a proper post shortly, until then, I leave you with this clip from a favorite film of mine.